Are you ready to ditch the razor and start laser?

Laser hair removal is the only proven method to remove unwanted hair, treat and prevent ingrowns, and even out skin texture. Step into the world of smooth, soft skin and discover the services we offer here at LUX Laser Labs.

Full Face & Front of Neck

This service at Lux Laser Labs covers from sideburn to sideburn across the upper lip down to the jawbone.

Appointment is required.

At least 6-8 treatments to achieve up to 85% permanent hair reduction. Results depend on the color and thickness of your hair, as well as your skin tone.

Treatment takes approximately 10 minutes.

NO waxing, tweezing, threading, plucking or any other means of hair removal that will remove the hair follicle for at least 2-3 weeks before your treatment. Shaving Only! (Recommended)

Avoid any forms of tanning for 2-3 weeks, including tanning beds, self-tanner, sun exposure etc.

Please let us know if you are taking any medications. No laser treatments for at least 2 weeks if you are taking antibiotics.

At Lux laser labs, we want you to achieve the best results possible and in order to do so, please make sure you're booking your appointments every 4-6 weeks for the most effective results!

Full Abdomen & Chest

The abdomen and chest covers the entire abdominal and chest region.

Laser body hair removal is the sensible choice for men with excessive chest and abdomen hair. In most cases, men with heavy chest hair also request body laser hair removal treatment for their abdominal area as well. Our technicians specialize in hair removal treatment for these areas. Clients are assured of receiving customized treatment plans which are designed with your personal preferences in mind, as well as your hair and skin type.

Full Back & Back of Neck

Full back & back of neck laser hair removal is a growing trend with men and women. The back neck covers the back of the neck area up to where the hair starts.

A back neck laser hair removal treatment permanently removes unwanted hair. It covers the area from the hairline to the base of the spine. It does not cover the chest or the front of the neck.

Our laser hair removal treatment is for all skin tones and hair types.

Full Legs, Feet, Buttocks, Hips

The full legs at Lux Laser Labs cover the area from toes and feet to the top of the thigh, under the buttocks on both legs. The full leg does not include the bikini line. Treatment feels like a hot pinch followed by a cooling sensation.

Permanently reduce hair growth on both legs from the ankle to the hip for women and men.

We can treat all skin tones safely and effectively.
Our laser hair removal at Lux Laser Labs works on all skin tones. Our laser is precise enough to target the hair follicle and eliminate hair growth at the root without damaging the surface of the skin. Even the darkest of skin tones can be treated.

Remember, that the number of treatment sessions and the gap between them greatly depend on the following factors:

Color of hair

Area to be treated

Hair coarseness

Overall hair growth density

Brazilian, Underarms, Upper Lip

The Brazilian, underarms and upper lip laser hair removal service involves the use of laser technology to remove the unwanted hair in that area.
Brazilian laser hair removal is a hair removal method that removes all the hair from the genital region, including the labia and perianal areas.

The laser sends light pulses into the follicle of each hair, destroying the root so that hair can no longer grow. Individual hairs grow at different rates, so laser removal requires several treatments to remove all of the hair completely.

Full Arms, Hands, Shoulders

The treatment at Lux Laser Labs covers both arms from beneath the deltoid down to the wrist (including hands, fingers and shoulders).

Full arms hair removal is a treatment that can safely, effectively and permanently reduce the hair, without the harmful effects shaving can have on your skin.

Treatments include arms from the shoulder to hands.

Treatment time: 10 to 15 minutes

Treatment intervals: Every 8 to 10 weeks